Alessandro Trovarelli is Professor of Industrial Chemistry at the University of Udine (Italy) from 2003. Before joining University of Udine he was visiting scientist at the University of Oregon and Colorado State University. He is the head of the Catalysis for Energy and Environment laboratory at the Polytechnic Department of the University of Udine. He has worked in the area of heterogeneous catalysis for over 30 years. His main scientific interest is in the preparation, characterization and testing of heterogeneous catalysts with particular attention to materials containing rare earths. The major applications investigated are the elimination of noxious compounds from car exhaust (NOx, VOC and soot), production of hydrogen for fuel processor in fuel cell applications and chemical reactions for energy applications. He is currently on the Editorial Board for Applied Catalysis B: Environmental and the Journal of Rare Earths. He is the 2015 Recipient of the Ford Motor Company University Research Program Award and the 2022 recipient of the Giacomo Levi Medal award of the Division of Industrial Chemistry of the Italian Chemical Society. He is author/coauthor of ca. 200 articles and 7 international patents and served as guest editor for several special issues and books dedicated to the applications of ceria-based compounds in catalysis.

Dipartimento Politecnico di Ingegneria e Architettura
Sezione di Ingegneria Chimica, Materiali e Ambiente
via del Cotonificio 108, 33100 Udine - Italy
Building COT4 Room L1-06
tel. +39 0432 558855
Key publications
Outstanding Methane Oxidation Performance of Pd-Embedded Ceria Catalysts Prepared by a One-step Dry Ball-Milling Method
M. Danielis, S. Colussi, C. de Leitenburg, J. Llorca, L. Soler, A. Trovarelli
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 57 (2018) 10212-10216.
Ambient pressure photoemission spectroscopy reveals the mechanism of carbon soot oxidation in ceria-based catalysts
L. Soler, A. Casanovas, C. Escudero, V. Pérez-Dieste, E. Aneggi, A. Trovarelli, J. Llorca
ChemCatChem, 8 (2016) 2748-2751.
Water splitting reaction on Ce0.15Zr0.85O2 driven by surface heterogeneity
A. Pappacena, M. Boaro, L. Armelao, J. Llorca, A. Trovarelli
Catal. Sci. Tech., 6 (2016) 399-403.
Ceria–Zirconia Particles Wrapped in a 2D Carbon Envelope: Improved Low-Temperature Oxygen Transfer and Oxidation Activity
E. Aneggi, V. Rico-Perez, C. de Leitenburg, S. Maschio, L. Soler, J. Llorca, A. Trovarelli
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 54 (2015) 14040-14043.
Preparation, characterization and NH3-SCR activity of FeVO4 supported on TiO2-WO3-SiO2
M. Casanova, L. Nodari, A. Sagar, K. Schermanz, A.Trovarelli
Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 176 (2015) 699-708.
Opposite face sensitivity of CeO2 in hydrogenation and oxidation catalysis
G. Vilé, S. Colussi, F. Krumeich, A. Trovarelli, J. Pérez-Ramírez
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 53 (2014) 12069-12072.
Shape-Dependent Activity of Ceria in Soot Combustion
E. Aneggi, D. Wiater, C. de Leitenburg, J. Llorca, A. Trovarelli
ACS Catalysis 4 (2014) 172-181.