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Welcome to the Catalysis group at the University of Udine!

The catalysis group is working in the design of new materials for advanced catalytic processes for clean energy and environment transition, and we are based at the University of Udine. Advanced catalytic materials and processes are playing and will play a dominant role to provide sustainable energy and to protect the environment. A great effort from our group is in the development of new and robust catalytic materials having impacts in the reduction of the carbon footprint and in the path to more sustainable processes. Our target is the activation of small molecules using materials prepared through new synthetic strategies and characterized with advanced tools.  


Economy revolution by H2: an open discussion

Marta has organized a workshop on the topic of hydrogen, in collaboration with Confindustria Udine.

The workshop, which is part of the European…


Andrea S is back in town!

After a very rainy winter in the Netherlands, Andrea S is populating again the catalysis lab at the University of Udine. He spent six months visiting…


Catalysis carnival

Shrove Tuesday and the last day of carnival also in the catalysis lab.

Happy Carnival to all!


Christmas pizza 2023

Today, as usual during the Christmas season, we all went out for pizza. Here is the picture taken at the pizzeria. We wish you all a Merry Christmas…


Rizwan joins the group as a PhD student

Rizwan Asghar is a Ph.D. student in the Catalysis for Energy and Environment group at the University of Udine. He has done his master's from COMSATS…


Catalisi: ieri, oggi e domani

Alessandro attended the Conference Catalisi: ieri, oggi e domani that was held on November 8 in Venice, with a series of talks on current advances in…


PhD week 2023

The PhD Week 2023 of the PhD Program in Energy and Environmental Engineering Sciences was held from Wednesday, October 18, 2023 to Friday, October 20,…


Key dates of the Ceria conference 2024 available soon

Key dates for the 2024 Ceria Conference will be available soon. For more information, please visit the conference website at https://ceria2024.chem-so…